
Call For Kindness: Through the Lens of a Judge

By Hannah Crystal, Riley’s Way Intern

My name is Hannah C. and I am a junior in high school in upstate NY. I grew up in New York City and have been learning about Riley’s Way for years, always hoping to one day get involved. These past two months I have had the privilege of working as a Riley’s Way intern. I have been planning for the Love Letter To Riley’s Way Fundraiser, focusing on the Silent Auction. Although I have spent most of my time meeting with Riley’s Way staff, emailing with many different people, filling out spreadsheets, and managing organization, the first task I was given was to judge several applications for the Call For Kindness (C4K).

Working as a judge for the Riley’s Way C4K was an experience unlike anything I’ve done before. Witnessing the passion of students my age who have spent time putting together such thoughtful projects led me to gain a new perspective of youth around the country. It was inspiring to read over ten applications, each with varying backgrounds and hopes to eliminate a pressing issue.

I read the application of a student who created a digital recycling system, connecting technology with environmental concerns. She launched an app that connected with a camera attached to three recycling buckets: trash, compost, and recycle. By holding up an item to the camera, the correct bin automatically opens, allowing for an easy way to contribute to combating environmental issues. This project did not win the C4K grant, however it opened my eyes to the infinite possibilities there are for change. Whether it is something small or something as complicated as technology-focused recycling bins, the possibilities to become a changemaker and better a community are endless.

On May 6th, Riley’s Way hosted an event in celebration of the C4K applicants and to announce the winners. I attended the virtual celebration and learned even more about the C4K program, watching all the amazing past fellows describe their projects and time working with Riley’s Way. As they began to announce the new winners, I was looking out for the titles of any of the projects I judged, hoping one of them would win. They announced each category and the name of one of my favorite projects was announced.

The Black Youth Empowerment Network application was the very first one I read, setting the standard extremely high. I was continuously amazed by the quality of writing in the application, and I was truly inspired by the message of the project. The project set out to provide opportunities to underprivileged students in order to spark their academic curiosity and kickstart their ability to dream. The program provides students with SAT/ACT tutoring, educational support, and a group of other students to support their dreams and feel as though their journey to success is not stunted due to the nature of their community. The Black Youth Empowerment Network’s commitment to bettering a community in need and providing opportunities to students who feel limited is a project that has the capacity to change many students’ lives. To say I was excited when I saw they were a winner would be an understatement.

Giving back to my community has always been a prominent piece of my life, yet this experience has taught me that there are so many ways to act with kindness, empathy, and inclusivity. If you choose to take one thing out of this, remember that one small action can change someone’s life. Always choose kindness.


This blog is also available to read on the Riley’s Way Foundation LinkedIn page.