Food Insecurity
CryOut Curbs Cravings
Jaidon Keyz Horton, Rashaylan Rice, Allauna Smith, Dallas Rai Sutton, Dallas Sutton & Zundra Bateaste-Sutton
CryOut Curbs Cravings will provide nutritious meals & snacks for school-aged children in the Mississippi area packaged in a container with information that will help raise awareness about the issues of hunger in our state.
Updates from CryOut Curbs Cravings
June, 2021
CryOut Curbs Cravings is a project that CryOut Teen Organization is working on to decrease food insecurity in our home state. We plan to distribute over 1000 nutritious meals to people in need in the state of Mississippi. The team working on CryOut Curbs Cravings consists of Jaidon Horton, Dallas Sutton, Allauna Smith, and Rashaylan Rice. This project is needed because Mississippi has been considered the most food insecure state for the past decade, with over 600,000 people left hungry. An overwhelming amount of those are children.
Our state has found itself ranking last in all of the great things such as education and ranking first on many things like poverty, and we felt it was time for a change. No person should be hungry. We know that we can not solve this massive problem, but we want to start lowering this number. It will not be easy or quick, but “the race is not given to the fast or the strong, but the one that endureth to the end.” We are looking forward to making more connections and learn many new ways to better our community from the Call for Kindness program, we can make a dent in this bad statistic.