Project Dreamcatcher

Jahin Rahman & Fahmin Rahman

New York

Project Dreamcatcher - Efforts in Youth Development of Bangladesh (EYDB) is a youth lead non-profit composed of 400 volunteers from 8 countries dedicated to providing educational opportunities to street and orphan children of Bangladesh. Currently we are working on a project to foster friendships between our volunteers in the United States and our supported children in Bangladesh.

Updates from Project Dreamcatcher

June, 2021
Efforts in Youth Development of Bangladesh is a completely student run initiative providing educational opportunities to street and orphan children of Bangladesh. We are providing 5,000+ Bangladesh street children with quality educational opportunities by building literacy centers, libraries, and through educational materials made by teenagers from the United States. Currently, we are looking to reduce educational inequality by spreading awareness about global education and connecting children in developing countries with American teenagers. We plan for underprivileged youth to get the chance of a quality education while our American teen volunteers are able to learn the culture and life of youth in another part of the world.